
Turn your Room into your office or a Mario game: Microsoft HoloLens VirtulaReality

What if I say that while just sitting in a sofa in your room can can do your office work by changing your room compeletly into your office or, what if you can see beyond your Laptop's or PC screen.

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Phone not Smart enough: Light_Phone

In a world of smartphones, smart watches, smart TVs and smart homes, The Light Phone seeks to stand out by being, well, not very smart at all. While in today's world everyone is n social media weather for a professional cause or a just to remain connected to friends, family and to the world.

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All you need to know Review Google_Cardboard!

Virtual Reality Headsets were the main attractions in this year's CES at Las Vegas. All the headsets like Oculus Rift really seized the moment, but the main issue was there cost which varied between $200-$400 which is pretty much. Samsung also proposed that they want to work on a smartphone compatible VR headset.

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Cicret Bracelet - Tablet on your Skin

I think 2015 will be a revolution in the Technology Industry, everyday new techs coming out and some of them are really freaky, which have blown my and many other peoples minds. Like I have been posting about about new smartphones in 2015 to change the way we think. Previously i updated about the LG's TVs which are about to show in CES 2015 and they are really step ahead the way we think about the TVs. These both two topics are right below in the blog archive, in case you want to have look at them.

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Meet the newbies Cool Galaxy super gadgets.: Samsung_Galaxy_S6 and the Samsung_Galaxy_S6_Edge

The two most awaited gadgets of the year are the iPhone and the next Samsung Galaxy series smartphone. Yesterday (i.e. 02/03/2015) Samsung launched it's next gen smartphones i.e. Samsung Galaxy S6 and the S6 Edge having the curved display at the edges of the smartphone. Both New gadgets got some really cool features let's check them out.

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Simple Circuit to double the Wireless Data speed ( Cellular and Wifi)

Posted by Unknown | Senin, 25 Mei 2015 | Category: | 0 komentar

At the University of Texas researchers have invented a simple circuit that can send and receive the data/signal at same time the thing called the "full-duplex". Till now our radio system had very small gap in sending and receiving the signal but the new circuit doesn't has it even.

Today's world radio circuit has gap between sending and receiving the signal is to save the signal from drowning. But, this new circuit can manage to send and receive at same time which deliberately makes the data transmission speed double as the present times. 

The new circuit called circulator can isolate the signals those coming into the antenna from those which are going out. Circulators are at the present times a crucial part of our radar systems but, they till now were made using very strong magnets and rare earth metals making it unsuitable for smartphones and wifi routers. 

The new circuit designed is very light small, cheap and ideal for smartphone use according to Andrea Alu associate Professor who led this work. The 2 cm circuit can be fit into now days devices very easily with some modification a sort of standalone the mobile device antenna.

The circuit can be considered as a road junction having three roads i.e. road into it, out from it and the circle via any of those wires. But components called resonators forces signal to move in clockwise direction.

Alu says the his circuit could fit inside any of the modern device to send and receive the data. He says that some U.S. and European cellular companies are working on hardware and software to allow full-duplex communication. H e thinks of commercializing the design.

But, one question I wonder is increasing the transmission and receiving rate will increase in heat generation and power consumption.

What do you think about Alu's project comment below.

Power Sharing Cable

Posted by Unknown | Sabtu, 23 Mei 2015 | Category: , , , | 0 komentar

I am back after a long time, just busy somewhere in college work. This time the power sharing cables by SAMSUNG.
In today's world dead batteries of smartphones is a common problem.
Samsung has come up with a solution of this problem "Power Sharing Cables" as one can share it's Galaxy device battery with other devices. 

Simply just download the "Power sharing" app from the google playstore and select the amount of power to transfer to the other device and plug one end of usb power sharing cable to your galaxy device and the other end to the device you want to share power with and it's done.

The devices which can share their power are Galaxy s5, Galaxy Tab s and other Selected Galaxy Devices.

Refrences:- Topic Image

Two new supermassive particles found at LHC

Posted by Unknown | Kamis, 21 Mei 2015 | Category: | 0 komentar

There is always a lot more to discover about our universe. LHC ( Large Hadron Collider ) which 2 years ago came in news for the discovery of the Higgs Boson. Recently two more new subatomic particles known as Xi_b'- and Xi_b*- ( pronounced as ZAI-bee-minus and ZAI-bee-star-minus respectively ) these particles were predicted to exist by the particle physicists, now they have been observed at LHC.

These both particles from the name suggest that they would have almost similar properties, consisting of down quark, strange quark and bottom quark. Spins of down and strange quark are different though lightly (5.935 GeV vs 5.955 GeV). 

These two particles joins the list of hadrons. There are only 17 fudamental particles ( such as electrons, neutrons, higgs boson etc.) in the Standard Model. They are predicted to combine into hundreds of other composite particles. By smashing atoms together with the accelerators scientist have managed to glimpse many of these composite particles, usually as they quickly decay into fundamental particles but, many are still to be discovered.

The new Xi bayrons were discovered by the LHC's seven hyper-sensitive particle detedtor. LHCb's a special type of detectors are tunes to detect these kind of particles. Also earlier this year LHC discovered a new type of particle named as exotic hadrons with highly unusually made of four quarks instead of three 

After Quantum Computers The era of Optical Computers

Posted by Unknown | Rabu, 13 Mei 2015 | Category: , | 0 komentar

Just think using lasers instead of wires in computers. British researchers have created a new material that could allow creation of all optical computers that are far more faster than today's electronic computers. Here we don't have to fabricate a hard to make material like graphene or some. We are talking about Chalcogenide Glass.

You might be wondering about the material we are talking about. We all have seen it and made use of it. Chalcogenide glasses that can change their state between glassy and crystalline state. This is used in recording layer of re-writable CD and DVD. Chalcogenide glass is generally GST (Germanium Antimony Tellurium) that changes between glass and crystalline when it's struck by the laser.   

In today's world most of computers run over flow of electricity, copper wires and over transistors. This thing creates a lot of heat which we all know from our day to days life, our laptop's throwing out heat all the time when we do some heavy task on it, which  deliberately decreases it's efficiency and performance. That's why we use optical fibers and lasers for backbone internet connections.

It's very hard to use a laser inside a small silicon chips for transfer of data. Researchers at University of Surrey, University of Cambridge and University of Southampton in England may come up with a solution that will allow a single component that can produce light, guide light, store light and detect it.

The English researchers are using Chalcogenide glass, which are always p-type Semiconductor and managed to turn it into n-type semiconductor allowing them to build pn junction. PN junctions are the primary blocks of almost every semiconductor device from LEDs to Photovoltaic cells.

These much more efficient computers may be available for us and may bring a revolution in world of computing

What you think about it comment below

Can "God Particle" Destroy the Universe

Posted by Unknown | Sabtu, 09 Mei 2015 | Category: | 0 komentar

Another topic of discussion not related to the this blog but, fascinating. According to the most famous Physicist of the world Dr. Stephen Hawkings the "GOD PARTICLE" discovered in 2012 could destroy the Universe.

He said that at very high energy levels the Higgs Boson could become unstable, causing a " catastrophic vacuum dacay" that can collapse space and time. But, possibilitiy of happening this is very low because the scientist till date don't have a particle accelerator large enough to do this stuff.

In his new book " Starmus : 50 years of Man in Space" he says 

Computer simulation of particle traces from an LHC collision in which a Higgs Boson is produced. (c) CERN. Image credit: Lucas Taylor

"The Higgs potential has the worrisome feature that it might become megastable at energies above 100bn giga-electron-volts (GeV)," Professor Hawking writes.
"This could mean that the universe could undergo catastrophic vacuum decay, with a bubble of the true vacuum expanding at the speed of light.
"This could happen at any time and we wouldn't see it coming."
Well it can be seen only in near future that what happens with the Higgs Boson.

Energy Generating Road to be opened in Netherlands

Posted by Unknown | | Category: | 0 komentar

Think of a road producing electricity for your entire city, sounds interesting. In Netherlands the idea is about to be implemented "SolaRoad" the project being worked in Netherlands. The world's first solar bike path is set to be open there on 12/11/2014 (dd/mm/yyyy). The amazing road will run from Amsterdam's northern suburb of Krommenie and will have concrete slabs embedded with solar panels to. 

The project has been under work since 2009, when the Netherlands Organization for Applied Scientific Research (TNO) led a team of road construction and technical service providers to explore solar potential of the Holland's roads. Estimate is that the 140,000km of roads in the country between 400 and 500 km sq. of surface area that could potentially tapped for solar power.

Initially a 70 m long bicycle path with embedded solar panels will open on 12 novem. 2.5 by 3.5 m concrete slabs will make up the path and feature a layer of crystalline silicon solar cells with 1 cm thick layer of translucent tempered glass. The glass is translucent enough to pass the sunlight through and hard enough to give a surface of road. 

By channeling its energy into the bicycle path pilot, SolaRoad is aiming to establish maximum solar efficiency on a small scale first. It says this more cost-effective strategy will see money saved for further development down the (solar-powered) road.

What do you think about the road and the amazing concept comment below.

Quantum Computers a new dawn in Computing World

Posted by Unknown | Kamis, 07 Mei 2015 | Category: | 0 komentar

In 1947, American computer engineer Howard Aiken said that just six electronic digital computers would satisfy the computing needs of the United states. But obvious he didn't count the large amount of data produced due to scientific research and also the emergence of the Internet.

ENIAC (Electronic numerical integrator computer) world's first general purpose computer
As the electronic data and computation is increasing at an exponential rate, will human ever have amount of computing power he needs?

The answer to this might be beyond a supercomputer in the coming future, a "Quantum Computer" yes a computing device far more faster than the normal computers we know. Quantum Computer is a device which directly uses the "Quantum Mechanical" phenomenon.

In digital computers we have transistors for computation and all the work. In them data is encoded into binary digits we are all aware of i.e. 0s and 1s. Where 0 being the off/low state and 1 being the on /high state and each of the 0 or 1 is called a bit ( binary digit)

 But here in the quantum computers, instead of bits we have "qubits". The most fascinating thing about the qubits is that they can be 0 and 1 at the same time. What???? this might come in your mind but let us try it in a different way we can say that a switch can be on and off at the same time. Sounds crazy, but true.

Well how does it works. In contrast to transistors in digital computers a very small entity such as an atom is used to do do computing. Any thing like photon, a nucleus or an electron can be used as qubits. But, how can they be at the 0 and 1 state at once?

Let me explain you for example an electron of phosphorus is used as a qubit. All electrons have magnetic field around them as they act like a tiny magnets and this property is call spin. They would align themselves in the direction of the external magnetic field and let it be the 0 state. Now if you have to change the spin of the electron you have to apply some force and that would be the high energy state of the electron or the 1 state.

Now if we are able to align the electron against the magnetic field it would stay there. So far it is the classical 0 and 1 but the amazing thing about the quantum particles is that they can be aligned in both directions at same time. Now if we measure there spin it would be either 1 or 0 but once we measure. But, electron can exist in both states at same time and this amazing phenomenon is called the Quantum Superposition.

As we really can't calculate a superposition so the information before we know the actual spin of electron is lost. So, we have to make such logical operations that the information is not lost. Well this is the most hardest part about creating a Quantum Computer. Well so far as I know 48% of accuracy has been achieved by a Quantum computer calculation which is remarkable.

It might happen that next generation at our age have successfully installed a 100% accurate Quantum Computer at large Labs like CERN 

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MOTO X (2nd GEN)

Posted by Unknown | Selasa, 05 Mei 2015 | Category: , , , , | 0 komentar

Motorola launched Moto X 2nd Gen today after a long wait. The company has upgraded the device pretty much. Let's check out the specs of the device


Getting to the hardware part there are pretty much interesting things the company has upgraded. First of all the side rim of the device is made of metal which gives the phone a premium feel. Screen is now 5 inches full HD AMOLED display. The device is also thinner from the older version.

Coming to the front look the device two significant front facing speakers just like the Htc One (M8). The speakers are slightly just above the surface which does not scratch the ear. Also, there is also one merit of this that if your device is kept the front face down then screen is protected from scratches. The two dots at the bottom of the device are IR sensors for gestures, like you can silent your device by just waving your hand above the mobile phone.

Now coming towards the back there is a 13MP camera surrounded by the ring flash but, here the ring actually does not illuminates. The two leds flashlights are installed inside the ring. Camera can record 4k UHD, 1080p and regular videos. Moto X comes in various of back covers we can order as we like.

On the sides the power button and the volume rockers are on the right side and the power button has a texture on it to distinguish between volume rockers and the power button.

Unluckily the phone has no external sd card slot. It comes only in two variants 16 gigs and 32 gigs


Talking about the software part the device comes with the android 4.4.4 kikat upgradable to Android L. the phone comes with the stock android which Google releases it means no change in the OS and also fast update of the device  because Motorola itself has not to do and sort of "editing" in the OS.

The touchless display is now even more interesting now it's known as moto voice. We need not to even touch the device to access the voice control. Earlier user had to say the "Okay Google Now" to access the voice control now you can set your own keyphrase  like " You there kit" , " Help me kit".

It comes with built in third party apps such as Facebook , Twitter, Youtube and WhatsApp. But the company says that they will be coming with more third party apps in the device.

[Left to right : Nexus 5, Moto X 2014 and HTC One M8]


  • Display - AMOLED 1080p (Corning Gorilla Glass 3)
  • Screen Size- 5.2inches (~424 ppi)
  • Weight- 144 gms.
  • Internal Storage- 16/32 gigs
  • External card slot- No
  • Camera- 13 Mp dual flash, secondary 2Mp
  • Os- Android 4.4.4 Kitkat Upgradable to Android L
  • Chipset- Qualcomm Snapdragon 801
  • CPU - Quad-core 2.5 GHz Krait 400
  • GPU - Adreno 330
  • Battery - 2300 mAh

Heads UP for BIKERS

Posted by Unknown | Senin, 04 Mei 2015 | Category: , | 0 komentar

After the phones and bulbs it's time for helmets getting smart, Seems to be fascinating Skully Helmets Inc. San Francisco, California has developed a helmet having some really amazing features. The most interesting thing is that the helmet is based on the Android Platform. Helmet have features like rear camera, GPS and many other awesome features

Now getting to features some really classic features are there 

Besides these there are many more like Internet connection via smartphone, Open SDK to  develop your own apps for SKULLY Synapse(TM) and over-the-air updates to download new features as they are released.

 For further in detail description get to this SKULLY AR-1

Whatsapp to be updated with voice calling facility:Reports

Posted by Unknown | Jumat, 01 Mei 2015 | Category: , , | 0 komentar

image url: https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/c0.107.851.315/p851x315/323985_462685727083559_766208862_o.jpg

Whatsapp which was acquired by facebook this year will soon add the voice calling feature to it, as the voice calling market is captured by Skype and Viber. Facebook the parent company of whatsapp will not add any kind of voice calling facility to it's messenger.

Whatsapp will get voice calling feature by the end of this year was announced by founder of whatsapp Jan Koum earlier this year at MWC Barcelona.

Jan Koum said

"We're adding voice to WhatsApp so people can stay in touch with friends and loved ones no matters where they are in the world"

"We use the least amount of bandwidth out there, and have optimized the hell out of it. We've made sure the quality is there, though, just like the messaging functons of WhatsApp"

Let's see how the voice calling feature works....