
Turn your Room into your office or a Mario game: Microsoft HoloLens VirtulaReality

What if I say that while just sitting in a sofa in your room can can do your office work by changing your room compeletly into your office or, what if you can see beyond your Laptop's or PC screen.

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Phone not Smart enough: Light_Phone

In a world of smartphones, smart watches, smart TVs and smart homes, The Light Phone seeks to stand out by being, well, not very smart at all. While in today's world everyone is n social media weather for a professional cause or a just to remain connected to friends, family and to the world.

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All you need to know Review Google_Cardboard!

Virtual Reality Headsets were the main attractions in this year's CES at Las Vegas. All the headsets like Oculus Rift really seized the moment, but the main issue was there cost which varied between $200-$400 which is pretty much. Samsung also proposed that they want to work on a smartphone compatible VR headset.

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Cicret Bracelet - Tablet on your Skin

I think 2015 will be a revolution in the Technology Industry, everyday new techs coming out and some of them are really freaky, which have blown my and many other peoples minds. Like I have been posting about about new smartphones in 2015 to change the way we think. Previously i updated about the LG's TVs which are about to show in CES 2015 and they are really step ahead the way we think about the TVs. These both two topics are right below in the blog archive, in case you want to have look at them.

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Meet the newbies Cool Galaxy super gadgets.: Samsung_Galaxy_S6 and the Samsung_Galaxy_S6_Edge

The two most awaited gadgets of the year are the iPhone and the next Samsung Galaxy series smartphone. Yesterday (i.e. 02/03/2015) Samsung launched it's next gen smartphones i.e. Samsung Galaxy S6 and the S6 Edge having the curved display at the edges of the smartphone. Both New gadgets got some really cool features let's check them out.

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Smartphone Heating: This may be the solution. ThermalImaging

Posted by Unknown | Sabtu, 04 Juli 2015 | Category: , , |

Researchers have developed a new temperature mapping technology for tiny devices that could help solve the problem of overheating in smartphones and computers.

The new thermal imaging technique allows engineers to "see" how the temperature changes from point to point inside the smallest electronic circuits.

Called plasmon energy expansion thermometry or PEET, the technique allows temperatures to be mapped in units as small as a nanometre, a unit of measure equal to one-billionth of a metre.

This breakthrough should enable engineers to design microprocessors that minimise the problem of overheating in smartphones and computers, said the researchers.

"With the old techniques, measuring the thermal conductivity of a nanowire returns one number. Mapping temperature with PEET, we get 10,000 numbers as we go down the wire," explained lead researcher Chris Regan, associate professor of physics and astronomy at University of California, Los Angeles.

"It is the difference between seeing the score and watching the game one gives you much better knowledge of the players," Regan pointed out.

Modern microelectronic circuits contain billions of nanometer-scale transistors.

Although each transistor generates only a tiny bit of heat as it operates, many transistors operating at once make the computer chips get very hot, which is why cellphones get warm and computers need fans to run properly.

The research team built its technique on the same physical principles behind the glass-bulb thermometer that was invented by Daniel Gabriel Fahrenheit in 1724.

PEET determines temperature in the same way by monitoring changes in density using a transmission electron microscope. The team demonstrated the technique on tiny aluminium wires that were heated on one end.

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